July Chapter Week
During the last full week of July each year, we gather as a community, to review various aspects of our life during the past year, attend to important current issues and vote on those that need community approval, and we look forward and begin planning for the coming year. We engage with one another, listen deeply, share insights and ideas, discern the movement of the Holy Spirit leading us to God’s will. And, of course, we celebrate one another and have some fun together.
See below for some of the highlights of this year’s meetings.
We reviewed budgets, listened to department reports, and engaged in processes related to building our new monastery.
Celebrating Sr. Heidi Marie’s Retirement
At the end of this past school year, Sr. Heidi Marie Krack retired after 50 years of teaching in Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Indianapolis. Over the course of her years of teaching, Sr. Heidi Marie served at Christ the King School in Indianapolis, St. Anthony Catholic School in Clarksville, Our Lady of Grace Academy in Beech Grove, and St. Matthew Catholic School in Indianapolis. Sr. Heidi Marie was a blessing to her many students. St. Matthew's honored her time at their school and her dedication to the Archdiocese of Indianapolis, by erecting a beautiful remembrance by their playground.
Sr. Mary Carol’s 80th Jubilee
Just last month, we celebrated Sr. Mary Carol Messmer’s 100th birthday. This week, we celebrated Sr. Mary Carol’s 80th Jubilee of monastic profession. She is a beautiful witness to faithfully living the monastic life in our community with good zeal. We are so grateful to her for the Congratulations, Sr. Mary Carol and may God continue to bless you!
Missioning Service
On the last day of our Chapter meetings, we receive our “Mission slips” which lists the specific ministries and various other assignments and activities that we have discerned with our prioress for the coming year. Our engagement in these ministries gives witness to our vow of obedience. Our prioress blesses the Mission slips and calls each of us by name to come and receive our Mission from her. This is a sacred annual ritual for us.
Family Feast
And then we had more fun! We always end our week of Chapter meetings with fun food and games. A wonderful Italian feast and a little bit of card playing ended our week on a great note.