
Visit Some Communities
The only way you can really get to know a community is to visit it. We invite you to visit us so that you can get to know about the monastic way of life we live as Benedictines. You might want to come on a Vocation Retreat or email the Vocation Team to schedule a visit at another time. You are not making any commitment by visiting. It will just give you another experience so that you can continue to listen to God’s call.

Get Involved in your Parish
You do not walk this journey alone but within a faith community. Be sure to get involved in your parish. Having a strong faith community as you discern will be a great gift to you as you listen to God’s call in your life.

Get Information about other Communities
You can find out about communities by looking on their web pages or emailing them for information. You can also go on Vocation Match to learn more. It is important to find out about the values, mission, ministries and rhythm of prayer of the communities you look at. This will help you get a sense of which ones you might be interested in.