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Each day in the monastery consists of a rhythm of prayer and work. St. Benedict considered praying the Liturgy of the Hours to be the most important work of a monastic community: “Let them prefer nothing to the Work of God” (RB 43:3). These times of prayer keep us rooted in Christ as we pray for the needs of the Church and the world.


Our work and our ministries both flow from and inform our prayer. 

In days not too long past, women who entered religious life were seemingly destined to be either teachers or nurses, or in some way involved in schools, hospitals, or nursing homes. Times have changed. Women coming to religious life bring with them gifts, education, and a wealth of life experience. They are invited to explore ministries that will recognize and utilize these assets.


In our community here at Our Lady of Grace, in addition to teachers and nurses, we have had sisters serve in parish ministry, liturgical ministry, and retreat ministry. Sisters have also served as chaplains, social workers, massage therapists, librarians, kitchen staff, physical therapists, athletic trainers, business office managers, software technicians, spiritual directors, prison ministers, principals, administrators, and various other ministries.


While what we do as Benedictines is important, how we minister is the greater witness.  Benedictines focus on prayer, work, and hospitality. It is hospitality that becomes the earmark of our work. We strive to see and acknowledge Christ in our co-workers and in all to whom we minister. All are welcomed and respected, recognized as gifted and graced people created by our loving God. Whether we work in a for-profit or not-for-profit environment, people come before profits and compassion underlies our actions.

Contact  us:

Sisters of St. Benedict
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
1402 Southern Avenue
Beech Grove, IN   46107

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