A Grace-Filled Life

Sr. Susan Marie Lindstrom
Today is Martin Luther King Day. Dr. King gave his life in the pursuit not merely of racial equality, but in the effort to acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of humanity, to recognize and uphold the rights and dignity of all people. He did not merely HAVE a dream… he labored to make that dream a reality.
St. Benedict also had a dream… of people from all social levels being able to live together in God’s service. St. Benedict’s Rule reflect an emphasis on the common good. He encourages his followers to use material goods responsibly for the benefit of all, to grow in relationship with God and with one another, to become aware of how one’s actions affect the whole community, to be thankful if one needs less and humble if one needs more.
When we speak about the common good, we often talk about sharing our time, talent, and treasure with others. It teaches us to seek what is best for everyone, beginning with the last, least, lost, most vulnerable, marginalized or forgotten. The common good is bigger than any individual, yet it is individuals working together that strengthen the common good. Pope Francis reminds us that “the common good means recognizing one’s gifts and seeking ways to use them to serve God, others, and the whole world.”
Living monastic life with good zeal and integrity would be impossible without a focus on the common good. The sisters with whom I live make the journey into the heart of God TOGETHER, supporting one another through prayer, as well as through the sharing of our individual gifts and abilities. We do whatever is necessary to maintain a spirit of unity and peace within the monastery. Musicians and cooks and decorators and writers and teachers share their talents and knowledge. Some sisters serve as companions to the elders in the house while others contribute practical skills to the everyday tasks that need attention.
New gifts are discovered as we deal with the circumstances of life. I found that I had the ability to work with the elderly as a result of being assigned to our assisted living unit during my early days in the monastery. That led me to a new ministry as Activity Director in our Health Care Facility.
Living the common good WITHIN monastic walls prepares us to work for the common good BEYOND monastic walls - in our local community, and in the larger world. We recognize our responsibility as members of God’s family to contribute to the building of God’s reign of justice in our world.