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Laudato Si’ Action Plan

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Our Laudato Si’ Action Plan contains behaviors and actions that we hope will move us toward integral ecology in the coming year.

Listen to the Cry of the Earth

  • Engage a forester to create a forestry plan for the north portion
    of the property.

  • Apply for funding for management of our urban forest.

  • Identify ways to protect the land/trees during construction.

Listen to the Cry of the Poor

  • Continue assistance at Beech Grove Food Pantry.

  • Donate to St. Vincent de Paul and other organizations as we downsize.


Adoption of Simple Lifestyles

  • Develop and implement a plan to repurpose items that will no longer be needed by the community to minimize the amount of material that is thrown away.

  • Incorporate energy efficiency into the building of the new monastery based on feasibility and return on investment.


Ecological Education

  • Research opportunities to reuse and repurpose items we will
    no longer need.

  • Communicate regularly with our community the progress on
    these action items.

  • Share our work with the greater community through our website and
    our community publication Branching Out.


Ecological Spirituality

  • Incorporate creation-centered readings, prayers and petitions during Liturgy of the Hours at different times throughout the year, such as the Season of Creation and Laudato Si’ Week.

  • Pray a special meal prayer during the Season of Creation.



Sisters of St. Benedict                                                                July Chapter 2023

Contact  us:

Sisters of St. Benedict
Our Lady of Grace Monastery
1402 Southern Avenue
Beech Grove, IN   46107

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