The BIG Move
At the beginning of the week of June 10, the Sisters began a new journey. We undertook the big move of the sisters from St. Joe Hall (the health care area in the monastery) to the first floor of the Benedict Inn, their temporary living space until the new monastery building is complete.
On Monday, the larger items were moved so we could set up a dining area, kitchen area, recreation area, the physical therapy and exercise areas and begin setting up their bedrooms. On Tuesday, beds and chairs were moved, and the sisters began to personalize their new living quarters. It was a bittersweet moment for our community as we said good-bye to a space that held many wonderful memories. It was also a time to look to the future as we embark on this wonderful journey. The sisters were excited about their new living area and have settled in quite easily.
We are so incredibly grateful to the many volunteers who came to assist us in this move – we could not have done it without them! Special thanks to our Oblates, the members of the TKE Fraternity, the young ladies from Holy Name School, Coach Levar Johnson and some of his players from the Cardinal Ritter Football Team and our good friend and Lay Board Member, Mike Waters. Their help and that of many sisters, made our tasks these last two days much easier.
We are so very blessed, and we look to the future with much hope.