A Grace-Filled Life

Sr. Susan Nicole Reuber
Director of Development
According to the U.S. Census Bureau’s American Community Survey, Americans move an average of 12 times in their lifetime. My parents are great examples of stability for me. They still own and live in the house they built when they married in 1979. My mom and dad live in the same community they were born in and grew up in. They are rooted with the people and in the Catholic Church of their town. In small town Indiana this does not seem like a big deal, but for some in today’s world it is countercultural.
The vow of stability leads a monastic to be countercultural. The sisters have been living at 1402 Southern Ave. Beech Grove since 1955 when the first sisters moved from Ferdinand. We have been serving the Archdiocese of Indianapolis and the people of Beech Grove for close to 70 years. Beech Grove is our home, and stability calls us to stay through difficult times and in joyous times. We will continue to minister here for many more years.
The most countercultural piece is stability of heart. Stability of heart is about relationships. It calls us to stay during hard and difficult conversations. It calls us to seek someone out to offer an apology and reconcile with each other. It calls us to listen even when our opinions might differ greatly. Our vow of stability helps us to live together in community.