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Autumn has arrived at the Monastery and events are in full swing.  Take a look at the happenings of the Sisters of St. Benedict.

Autumn Party at Envive of Beech Grove

An Autumn Party took place at Envive of Beech Grove with our Sisters in residence.  The Sisters enjoyed spending time with each other and having some delicious Fall treats.  Their smiles should say it all!

Celebrating Sr. Carol's Birthday

We celebrated our Subprioress' Birthday in grand style on September 28th.  Sr. Carol Falkner enjoyed her party as did the entire community.  It was a time to celebrate her life and be together for an evening of fun and games.

Angels of Grace

On Saturday, September 30th, the Annual Angels of Grace took place recognizing three women who give back to the community in amazing ways.  We want to congratulate this year's recipients, Sandy Ziebold ~ Angel Michael Award, Theresa Weisenbach ~ Angel Raphael Award and Kim Striby ~ Angel Gabriel Award.  To read the wonderful works they perform, click on the following link. 

All Souls Day

Each year on All Souls day we remember our deceased sisters with a special service at our cemetery. We sing a litany of our deceased sisters’ names as our Prioress blesses each of their graves, and a small stone is placed on each as a symbol of the lasting presence of each sister’s life and memory. The stones remain on the gravestones for the entire month of November.

Banners in Chapel

And in our chapel, banners displaying our deceased sisters’ names surround us with their memory for the month of November. We believe that they are now in the Communion of Saints, and we join with them in prayer as we celebrate our liturgies.

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